Best special moves for little mac
Best special moves for little mac

best special moves for little mac

punch in the air but it won't have nearly the kill power as when Mac gets a chance to plant his feet and drive it in. One final feature is that, like most of Lil Mac's aerials, this move has little to no potency in the air. Little Fighter 2 is a classic-style Beat 'em up that has a cartoony style and features characters that appear to be small in size and have unproportioned heads. Instead of following the characters' built-in special moves. This move also has a lot of ending lag if it misses. Improving skills in LF2 is interesting especially because of the simplicity and flexibility of the game. George McClellan Summary: George McClellan was a major general during the American Civil War.Nicknamed Young Napoleon and Little Mac, he twice was commander of Army of the Potomac, the Union’s largest army, and fought as general-in-chief of the Union army until being removed by Abraham Lincoln in 1862.

best special moves for little mac

Your opponent knows that they can't block it and if their move doesn't trade properly, they can get stuffed for even attempting to attack. Because of this, many Lil Mac players may notice that their punch gets stuffed by common options from the opponent such as jab.Īlthough it's a great punish and you can even combo into it from down tilt, you must value your punch. For the cutscene to initiate, Mac must not only hit you but be in control of his character until the cutscene begins. The move itself doesn't have any type of super armor and actually functions as a 2-hit move. First off, if you die, you lose your punch and have to start from 0 again. This move is unblockable and hits like a final smash, killing characters at around 40+. When the gauge is full, it will glow with the letters K.O. It's a neat bit of mind games, which I enjoy with Mac.Īlthough not listed here, Lil Mac has his own unique mechanic in that he has a gauge that will slowly fill up as he damages the opponent and receives damage (though receiving damage fills up the gauge much more quickly). You never have to land one for the opponent to know the threat involved. Suddenly characters that rushed down all the time decide to keep their distance. However, I find that the threat of a KO punch is it's real utility. You can combo into this at low percentages after a down tilt. You could wait for a good punish opportunity to come along, which is the most likely situation. When whiffed, it does leave Mac open however. This is one giant swing that if connected, will almost surely result in a kill. However, when Mac takes enough damage (or dishes out enough) this turns into his most feared tool: the KO punch, able to kill at 30-40%. Also, it's use in the air is limited, like much of Mac's moves while in the air. Many times, it's not worth bothering because it has a very large start up time during which you are immobile and cannot cancel out of it.

Best special moves for little mac